Glossary of Jewelry Terms: E

Edwardian Era: Refers to the years that King Edward of England held the British throne from 1901-1911. Edward was Queen Victoria's son and inherited the British Crown when she died in 1901. His wife, Danish Princess Alexandra, and him set the trends for dress. The jewelry is characterized by white metal set with pearls and diamonds and accented with colored stones.Earrings, rings, bracelets and necklaces had light, airy, lace-like designs.

Electro-plating: the process of applying a metal (most often gold) to adhere to the surface of another metal using electrical current.

Emerald Cut: A form of “step cutting.” It usually is rectangular, but sometimes is square, in which case it is known as a square emerald cut. It has rows (steps) of elongated facets on the crown and pavilion, parallel to the girdle, with sets on each of four sides and at the corners. The number of rows, or steps, may vary, although the usual number is three on the crown and three on the pavilion. The emerald cut is seldom used for diamonds in the intermediate color grades since it tends to emphasize color. It is excellent, however, for colorless stones and when it is desirable to emphasize the color of fancy colors. 

Empire Earrings: The distinctive hoop shape of Roman earrings of around 1st century BC with freshwater pearls or amethysts in sterling or gold.

Enamel: A glass powder or paste that is applied to metal, then fired in an annealing oven to bake the glass onto the metal.

Engraving: The process of decorating metal by etching a design or letters into its surface

En Tremblant: A moveable, trembling effect generally achieved through the use of coiled springs of metal mounted underneath the portion of the brooch that is intended to move; often found in antique brooches or hair ornaments.

European Cut: Now mostly obsolete; a style of diamond cutting popular from1890 to the 1930s typified by a round girdle, a smaller table in relation to the diameter of the stone and a large culet. The large culet appears to create a hole at the bottom of the diamond when viewed from the top, since the large culet lets light escape instead of reflecting back to the viewer

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