September Birthstone

September Birthstone Jewelry Blue CZ Sapphire Rings Earrings Necklaces

The September birthstone is the deep blue sapphire, which is also known as the 5th and 45th anniversary gemstone. View our selection of CZ cubic zirconia sapphire rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and other blue jewelry.  

The September birthstone is the rare and beautiful sapphire. It comes in a variety of colors such as pink, orange, and lavender, but it is most widely known in blue, which is the most prized color of sapphire and the color the name ‘sapphire’ was based on. Sapphires represent wisdom, sincerity and nobility. Sapphire promotes peace, contentment and is believed to guard against evil.

Sapphire makes a great anniversary gift, as it is known as the 5th and 45th anniversary gem. Speaking of anniversary jewelry, the sapphire birthstone is associated with trust, loyalty, wisdom, faith, and understanding, which are all essential traits for a long and loving relationship. After the diamond, sapphire is the most popular engagement ring gem symbolizing royalty and romance.  

Whether given as an expression of love or bought for its beauty, a cz sapphire ring, bracelet, necklace, or charm bracelet is a great addition to any jewelry collection. This beautiful gemstone definitely adds style and character to any outfit and is a sure eye-catcher for any occasion. Sapphires make a great Valentine’s Day gift, birthday or anniversary gift for your wife, girlfriend or someone special.

So what are you waiting for? View our selection blue CZ sapphire jewelry and find your perfect fashion piece today. We’re sure you’ll find something you’ll love in our collection of stylish blue jewelry – and all at affordable prices too!

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